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Property:Rarity is

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Description: A property for declaring how rare a material is.

Values explained:

  • Common: Able to find throughout Elanthia (shops, critters, etc.)
  • Festival: Found in shops/games during festivals (Guildfest, Hollow Eve, Chris Mass, etc.)
  • Gift: Gifts given out at meetings
  • Invasion: Drops from invasion creatures
  • Treasure Map: Found through a treasure map or glass egg
  • Raffle: Prize from a raffle held by someone like Jisi. PLEASE NOTE DISPENSER RAFFLES FROM MT EVENTS ARE AUCTION RARITY.
  • Incidental: Found randomly during MT/quest events
  • End Loot: Obtainable through for MT currency/at the end of a quest
  • Auction: Obtainable through auctions or MT dispenser raffles

Type: string
Allows Value: common, uncommon, rare, festival, gift, invasion, incidental, very rare, special, treasure map, quest, raffle, end loot, auction, simucon

There are currently 19383 items in this property, 754 of which are incomplete, and 186 of which are outdated.
Showing 20 pages using this property.